Aug 13, 2020 - 16:30

Please join us for the SAOG’s second virtual event which will be a Trivia and Happy Hour. If anyone has played Team Trivia at a local restaurant or bar, we will be following that format style. For those unfamiliar, here’s how it will work:

Trivia will be done individually. There will be five rounds of three questions each. For each round you are able to assign one of three point values to each question (1, 3, or 5 points). You can only use each point value once per round. There will be one final question that you can wager up to 15 points. If you get it correct, you earn the amount of points you wagered. If you get it incorrect, you lose points. If needed, we will have a tie breaker.

Questions will be a variety of multiple choice, true false, multiple answers, and fill in the blank. You will need to send your answers along with your name to Karina Plis via email (, text (404-345-0706), or private Teams chat.

There will be gift cards provided to the first, second, and third place participants. There is no registration required or fee for this event. Participants will join through the Microsoft Teams link provided by email.